My daughter and I communicate all the time. Her husband is now in theology school. She often goes over his lessons and books with him. So, they're both getting the same education for one price. Anyway, this week they are talking about having filthy hearts.
Everyone knows that you'll find the majority of your hypocrisy from church-goers. Many won't come to church for that very reason. With one mouth they teach forgiveness. With a double-sided snake-like tongue, they then pronounce judgment when they themselves are hurt. With one side of their mouths, they speak of God's love. In their hearts, they are full of hatred. They can tell you what you should be doing, but they themselves don't do it. This shouldn't be so, and it hasn't always been as bad as it is now.
After reading the material my daughter emailed to me, I fell on my knees and asked God to heal HIS people. Make us one way. No more teaching it the right way, but living it the wrong way. I repented and asked God to forgive us for being the most stiff-necked, hard-hearted, unforgiving, unmerciful, and unkind people in the world. I repented for us all because we have nasty hearts while sitting in pews. I don't want to be that way anymore. I ask each of you to repent also. Now's the time, right before we enjoy these wonderful Thanksgiving dinners. Let's add mercy for things we're thankful for. We've all had to have it. Now try giving it.
It's important to know where to get comfort and support. That's what friends are for, but if they're not there, JESUS the CHRIST always is!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Full of Redemption
Last week, I enjoyed sitting down with my friend, Mary. We've been friends since grade school. She moved away for a very long time, but now she's back in our hometown.
Over coffee, she told me about some of the things that has befallen her. She grew up in church, but then fell away for a brief season. She got into an adulterous relationship that cost her a lot and began using drugs. I look at her now and you would never be able to tell it by looking. She has a program that she runs now. It teaches people at her church how to love God and love His people. It teaches them how to never judge a person while they are down. She talks about all the people who put her down while she was low already. Now, she has everything she could want, but most importantly, she's full of God's redemptive power.
Over coffee, she told me about some of the things that has befallen her. She grew up in church, but then fell away for a brief season. She got into an adulterous relationship that cost her a lot and began using drugs. I look at her now and you would never be able to tell it by looking. She has a program that she runs now. It teaches people at her church how to love God and love His people. It teaches them how to never judge a person while they are down. She talks about all the people who put her down while she was low already. Now, she has everything she could want, but most importantly, she's full of God's redemptive power.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Learn Something New
I'm past the age of 60 and everyday I learn something new. Today, one of my online daughters, Erica, did something for me that blew me away. She and her husband came down to visit me and she set my computer up so that I can hear my words as I type them since I can't speak. Computers are great tools.
Today, I'm in the kitchen working on a new recipe. I think that we stop living when we stop learning.
Today, I'm in the kitchen working on a new recipe. I think that we stop living when we stop learning.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sweet Changes
Changes are sweet, though they can be challenging. It's not always easy to see something you're comfortable with change. When you finally get one thing down, by golly if it don't go change on you. At my age, I've learned that the one thing worst than change is things staying the same.
By in the 60's, things were morally better than today, though we thought surely the world was going to hell in a hand-basket even then. Now, I wish for those days back, but there were some great things that happened between those years. With every change, there is a pro and con. Our jobs is to make sure to take advantage of the good changes and reject the bad ones. That's the job of a voting society.
Change, sweet change!
By in the 60's, things were morally better than today, though we thought surely the world was going to hell in a hand-basket even then. Now, I wish for those days back, but there were some great things that happened between those years. With every change, there is a pro and con. Our jobs is to make sure to take advantage of the good changes and reject the bad ones. That's the job of a voting society.
Change, sweet change!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Lensey and Lacresha Hayes are Here with their Book, Truth and Intimacy

V.W. ~ Lacresha, I've been knowing you for some months and I'm blessed to be the President of your fan club. Tell us about this book.
Lac ~ I'm blessed to have you as the President. You do a great job. This book is full of tidbits and powerful truth about marriage. It is a marriage-building tool with scripture, real life stories, personal experiences, couple exercises, and much more. There's not another book on the market with as much variety as ours.
V.W. ~ Lensey, tell us about your experience writing a book with your wife, who is undoubtedly very prolific.
Len ~ It was tough because she was always pushing me, but it was thrilling because we wrote from two separate computers, but at the end of the day, we always agreed. It was seamless blending of perspectives. It was like we sat beside each other the whole time when we really didn't. I love working with my wife. She has great work ethic. She is a motivation machine.
V.W. ~ Lensey, what problems did you guys encounter while writing?
Len ~ We went through a period when my brain froze and my wife was ready to strangle me. She was constantly pressuring me to write and the more she pushed the more idle I was. I had to take a couple weeks away from the book to be refreshed.
V.W. ~ Lacresha, what piece of advice do you have for business women who are also mothers and wives?
Lac ~ Get your priorities together. It's so easy to get off balance when you wear a lot of hats. If you can imagine a comedy show where someone is trying to do five roles by themselves. Confusion happens from time to time. You might forget to take off the mom hat while dealing with your husband, or the business hat when dealing with your child. Don't be so hard on yourself. When this happens, it is simply time to prioritize. You have to do it and redo it and redo it to keep yourself together while you switch from one role to the next and the next.
V.W. ~ Lensey, Lacresha says you're the romantic soul in the relationship. Tell us the challenges you face trying to be romantic with someone who is so busy.
Len ~ Finding time is the biggest challenge. We have to first find time to be romantic and then hope she has the energy when that time comes. I have to discern her moods and anticipate her needs. I try not to rush right in for the kill. Rather, I try to minister to her needs first. Let her unwind, etc. We're both busy, but I refuse to work after work hours if I can help it. She's known to go 18-22 hours straight. So, I have to make room for her schedule. However, if it has been a long while, I'll just tell her, "Hey, you got a husband who needs you now. Everybody else is going to have to wait." LOL!
V.W. ~ Lacresha, do you feel you are a good wife to your husband in regards to your schedule and all else that you do? I'm not low-blowing you, but want to get down to some truth.
Lac ~ Yep, I was unprepared for this question. Honestly, sometimes I feel that you can save the world or save your marriage. I don't believe that my marriage will stay healthy if I'm ALWAYS as busy as now. We have an agreement, but I also watch for signs of loneliness in my husband. I watch for signs that he wants me or needs me or misses me. I don't want to occupy the same house, but not the same heart, if you know what I mean. So, I believe that I've improved tremendously since writing this book, but I know too that no marriage can survive if you don't plan time to do nothing but build it.
I loved Marabel Morgan and her book, The Total Woman. It inspired me and helped me get to where I am now, but her marriage ended. She saved many marriages, but failed at her own because she could either teach it or do it. It comes a time when you have to take a break from the world. They'll always be there needing some help. Family first and then everyone else. It may sound horribly selfish, but it does me no good to help Susan, Sally, Shirley and Samantha if I end up in divorce court. I'm working on improving all the time.
V.W. ~ Lensey, close us out with some good godly and manly wisdom.
Len ~ I tell men to understand that roles may shift in nearly everything, but he'll always be the husband. Leading is not about standing out front. It is through prayer that men should lead. Men should live godly lives before their wives and children. We aren't to try to control our family, but to give them guidance. To do that, they must see something in us worth following or listening to. I try to keep my life pure as possible when it comes to the things men normally fall into. I don't befriend other women. I don't spend any time alone with women. If a woman needs counsel, my wife or some others are there at all times. I try to show her that I'm in this with everything in me. That is a man's job FIRST! You be dedicated and faithful. You be true to God and everything else will fall in place.
For those who enjoyed this interview, please use the info below contact the couple. I urge all married couples to go purchase this book today. You won't regret it!
Get it at either of these places:
Truth and Intimacy: A Couple's Journal blog -
Living Waters store -
Contact Lacresha Hayes at and Lensey Hayes at
Monday, September 15, 2008
Mute No More
My son-in-law gave me a beautiful pillow today. It said
I loved it. It gave me a good silent chuckle. LOL! I thought it was a great play on words. Who says you can't have humor in your plight? I do. Hear me roar!
I loved it. It gave me a good silent chuckle. LOL! I thought it was a great play on words. Who says you can't have humor in your plight? I do. Hear me roar!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I Romanced the Stone by Marvin Wilson

A friend told me about this book and I purchased it for my daughter. I just believe this book is going to bring some changes in her life. She had a drug problem for nearly two years, but she's been clean for almost eight years. She still hasn't forgiven herself. So, I am reading it now before handing it on to her.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Here's My Take
It is an election year and I can't get online without seeing something negative about the candidates. Truth be told, they both have weaknesses and strengths. They are both incomplete packages, but McCain is much closer to complete with Palin than Obama is with Biden, though Biden is a wonderful man. I've met him and he's great.
Now, when it comes to politics, I'd love to see us learn to require total honesty from our candidates. We need to stand against this lying spirit and make them be honest or forfeit our votes.
Now, when it comes to politics, I'd love to see us learn to require total honesty from our candidates. We need to stand against this lying spirit and make them be honest or forfeit our votes.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Family Gives Great Comfort
Let the love of your family comfort you. I have a friend who couldn't have children. Now in her old age, she's alone. Her husband has been dead for nearly 12 years. She has no children or grandchildren to check on her and see to her needs.
I often send my children by her home to make sure she's okay. When I can get out, I go by there since she's only a few houses down. My husband don't let me out of the house much because I'm mute. He tries to go everywhere with me. But, his over-protective attitude brings me comfort. I know he loves and supports me. For that, I'm grateful to God.
I often send my children by her home to make sure she's okay. When I can get out, I go by there since she's only a few houses down. My husband don't let me out of the house much because I'm mute. He tries to go everywhere with me. But, his over-protective attitude brings me comfort. I know he loves and supports me. For that, I'm grateful to God.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Positive Confessions
I heard a young fellow tell his lady friend that he would be like fine wine and get better with age. It was a delightful thing for him to say. I remember saying the same things when I was his age.
Let's remember the power of positive confessions, even when they seem unrealistic.
Let's remember the power of positive confessions, even when they seem unrealistic.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Interview with Joe Key, Author of "The Right Man"

I had the pleasure of finishing the book, The Right Man, just last night. I was pleasantly surprised by the crispness of the storyline. I loved the book and plan to do a review soon. However, I have something better for you. I have an interview with the author himself- JOE KEY!
1. Hello Joe. We're happy to have you on the blog today. Please, tell us more about yourself.
I have 15 years of experience in mental health as a counselor. In addition to working in the area of mental health counseling, I have has also worked in the area of Addictive Disorders. As a private practitioner and Licensed Professional Counselor, I have worked with individuals and families treating a variety of problems.
I am 61 years old and have been married to Sandra Key for 34 years and have four children. I was born in Columbia, Louisiana and grew up in Kentucky. I graduated Owensboro, Kentucky High School and graduated from, what was then, Northeast Louisiana University in Monroe, Louisiana, with a Masters in counseling. I also obtained my undergraduate degree at NLU. I began writing, as a lark, in 1998 and have since written 77 novels and a couple of short stories.
2. What inspired you to become a writer?
As I said, it all began as a lark – mostly in answer to a dare by my father. Soon enough, I came to realize I kind of liked it.
3. Tell us more about your sensational novel, The Right Man.
The novel is in the fantasy genre, and involves a man who stands before a group of people and declares that there is no Devil. Later on, he meets the Devil – in person. It traces his metamorphosis from an atheist to an ardent believer.
4. Do you have any other works in the making?
I have completed many other works, but I am not actively writing now.
5. As an author, what messages have you put in your writings?
I have always been fascinated by the conflict between good and evil – and feel that the triumph of Christianity is all there is. My writings reflect an inherent respect for truth and the value of plain speaking.
6. Tell our readers something they would not otherwise know about you.
Since your readers know very little about me to begin with, almost anything I tell you is something they probably didn’t know. The only thing interesting about me is that I can speak several languages.
7. Please, give us contact information for you and purchasing information for your book.
The Right Man can be purchased online at Living Waters Publishing Company, or at, Barnes and Noble, and Borders
Joe, we appreciate your stop by our blog. I look forward to speaking with you again when your new books come out.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sad Days Happen? Really?
Sad days happen to everyone: the rich and poor and in between, the cute and ugly and the unspectacular faces. Single people get lonely. Married people feel smothered. Rich people want a real friend. Poor people need money. Sometimes, we are sad because of the weather. Then there are just those days when sadness happens for no apparent reason. But...
I met a woman yesterday, Eufreda was her name. She said that she's not had a single sad day in over 10 years. TEN YEARS!!!! Who doesn't want her secret? I asked. The answer cut my heart into pieces. She simply said, "I got saved and have been full of joy ever since."
After further conversation I discovered something. It wasn't that she didn't wake up on some days and feel sad. It was that she made a conscious choice every single day to not walk according to her feelings, but according to the truth of God's Word. This woman told me that she makes a choice when tears fall from her eyes with or without reason. Her choices were to lose that day to her emotions, or to decide to make the best of day, controlling her feelings with fact.
How many days have I lost because I decided to feel without any management? How many have you lost? Like Eufreda, we can choose not to lose a whole day to emotions. She said she's had sad moments, but never a sad day. Let us learn...
I met a woman yesterday, Eufreda was her name. She said that she's not had a single sad day in over 10 years. TEN YEARS!!!! Who doesn't want her secret? I asked. The answer cut my heart into pieces. She simply said, "I got saved and have been full of joy ever since."
After further conversation I discovered something. It wasn't that she didn't wake up on some days and feel sad. It was that she made a conscious choice every single day to not walk according to her feelings, but according to the truth of God's Word. This woman told me that she makes a choice when tears fall from her eyes with or without reason. Her choices were to lose that day to her emotions, or to decide to make the best of day, controlling her feelings with fact.
How many days have I lost because I decided to feel without any management? How many have you lost? Like Eufreda, we can choose not to lose a whole day to emotions. She said she's had sad moments, but never a sad day. Let us learn...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Hope Found in Book, "The Rape of Innocence" by Lacresha Hayes

Not very long ago, I started the Lacresha Hayes Fan Club because of the message in her books and articles. Not once have I been disappointed with the effects of the book on readers. Recently, however, the book has taken on a new life of its own. I've been receiving tens and twenties of emails weekly about joining the fan club and meeting Lacresha personally. I even received some testimonies that touched my heart.
This book, The Rape of Innocence, has touched many hundreds of women. It has hope and strength by the tons. Lacresha's gentle approach for victims of all kinds of abuse is priceless. She deals with the hidden areas of battered and sexually abused women, and molested and abandoned children. None of those things are easy subjects to manuever through. But this woman does it with skill and care. She lovingly gives the reader permission that many wait on to hurt, to cry, to be angry, to feel betrayed, to feel anything period. This is what makes her a real hero. She cares!
Lacresha has been giving her books to various women and children shelters across the United States. No need to say, this is very expensive, but most of the people who need this book most cannot afford it. So, we're asking for those who can to help us by purchasing your copy. A portion of all proceeds go toward those that are given away. This is where everyone can play a major role in helping those that much of society has forgotten about.
You can get your autographed copy today at or visit your local bookstore and order it!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Chatting it up with Sabriena Williams

Me: Hello Sabriena. I'm happy to be interviewing you. Could you tell us more about yourself?
S.W: Hello, Ms. Warren and thank you for this invitation to share. My name is Sabriena Ford-Williams . I am a native of Gainesville, FL. I am an author of two published books, An Inspirational Touch: Embracing the Touch from God, published in 2006, and Wait on the Lord, I say Wait, soon to be released.
Upcoming releases are Poetic Praises, a collection of poetry, short stories and informational pearls; a 2009 calendar titled It's A New Season. Aside from writing books, I am a passionate poet, songwriter, playwright and aspiring Christian gospel play actress. I am the proud parent of two wonderful teenagers, Ja'kya Romea (17) and Je'rod Harvey (14). I have been writing short stories, poetry and plays since grade school. My inspiration to write is to reach a broad audience of believers and non-believers. My prayer is after someone has read my publications, they will be inspired to live their life to the fullest.
Me: Tell us about your latest book.
S.W: Wait on the Lord, I say Wait is a book about a young woman (Shavon) who is struggling with loneliness and petitions God to send her a Christian husband. While patiently waiting for her husband, she is faced with unexpected family issues, chaotic church drama, challenging career demands, and an unsettled spirit. This book will evoke a hearty laugh, move you to tears and then celebration, all the while helping you to evaluate your relationship with God and others. The characters in the book are people everyone can relate to. Everyone will have either a ghetto friend, a holier than thou church member, an overprotective parent, or a best friend who cancels a girlfriend outing. Wait on the Lord , I Say Wait is a sure read for all.
Me: What advice can a Christian woman pull from your book?
S.W: A Christian woman who has positioned herself to wait on the Lord for a husband can surely relate to this book. As most of us know, singleness is suppose to be a time when a woman devotes herself to spending time with God through fellowship, developing a covenant with God and ministry work; but after the church doors are closed and all her family and friends are gone, the single woman must go home alone. For some single women, the spirit of loneliness will try to suffocate her desire to wait. If the woman is not careful, she will allow the enemy to steal her vision of ever being married.
Me: Is there anything you wrote in specifically for me?
S.W: There is no specific message to the male population; however, men can relate to the book because it will show them the other side of women who sincerely want to be a wife. Men will see the sincerity of a woman's relationship with God and others.
Me: Share one thing that brings you comfort when you feel down.
S.W: One thing that brings me comfort when I'm down is to reflect on my past accomplishments. I often reflect on my graduation from college, with honors. I graduated from college while working one full time job, a part-time, being a full-time mother and going through a very emotional divorce from a man I loved for over 18 years. I feel if God helped me through that valley, He will exalt me to a mountain. Hallelujah!
Me: Has writing been a source of comfort and support for you? How?
S.W: Writing for me is very therapeutic. Writing helps me express my inner creative desires. Writing also allows me the opportunity to approach my biggest fears, dream my wildest dreams, and have unshakable faith in the promises of God.
Me: Give the audience a little piece of your heart.
S.W: From my heart, I would like to say to my established and new reading audience that I am very blessed to have you in my corner of faith. I realize that for me to share my gift that God has given me, I must be inspired by God to write. The messages He give to me is for His children to read. I ask for continuous prayers during my faithful walk with God. Purchase my books. Email friends about this blog. I love positive responses from positive people. Please email me any comments you may have at
Me: Give us contact and purchasing information:
S.W: Sabriena Ford-Williams
PO BOX 5973
Gainesville, Fl 32627
Email: or
Book Prices: An Inspirational Touch: Embracing the Touch from God - $10.00 (This book can be purchased via email request- allow 3-7 days for delivery
Wait on the Lord, I Say Wait - visit - $14.95
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Donna Shepherd, Christian and Children's Author
Donna Shepherd is a very talented inspirational and children's author. Recently, her latest publisher, Living Waters Publishing Company, has been making a huge deal of her new release, Dotty's Topsy Tale.
I did a bit of research, visited her website and blogs, and asked around a bit. Everything I heard about her was wonderful. She's made many friends because of her integrity and caring. To learn more about Donna Shepherd, visit her site at and and To learn more about DOTTYMANIA, the major marketing campaign launched by Living Waters, visit the publisher's blog at
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
"Dare to Dream" by Carol Jones book review

Dare to Dream is the kind of book I look for and fill my shelves with. In this book, there is encouragement for sickness, for depression, for fear, for pain, and for disappointment. In this book, there is answers for those who feel alone, rejected, forsaken. If you've ever been hurt and felt alone, this book is one of the richest sources of inspiration I've read recently.

The book is Carol Jones' first work, but I pray sincerely that it won't be her last. I hope to be able to learn much more from this woman who writes life so well!
Get it now at
Inspiration is Like Life
True inspiration is like life. It isn't free. It isn't cheap. It is precious and hard to find. When you find something that inspires you to be better and live better, to grow and to increase, then you need to hold on to it, appreciate it, honor it.
God is my inspiration. He inspires me to grow, to expand, to increase in joy, peace and righteousness. I could murmur and complain. I could say that God is unfair because I cannot speak. But, I say that God is good because I can type. I can write. I can hear. I can see. I can smell. I can taste. I can feel. I can love. I can be loved. I can understand and learn. So what if there's one thing I cannot do. There are a million I can do and do them well.
God is my inspiration. He inspires me to grow, to expand, to increase in joy, peace and righteousness. I could murmur and complain. I could say that God is unfair because I cannot speak. But, I say that God is good because I can type. I can write. I can hear. I can see. I can smell. I can taste. I can feel. I can love. I can be loved. I can understand and learn. So what if there's one thing I cannot do. There are a million I can do and do them well.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Comforting Words ~ July 21
There are pains that destroy us, both inside and out. There are other pains that grow us up, showing us the power of perseverance.
Don't allow your pain to destroy you. Choose to grow inspite of anybody's best effort to stop you. God keep you is my prayer.
Don't allow your pain to destroy you. Choose to grow inspite of anybody's best effort to stop you. God keep you is my prayer.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My Heroes
Not very long ago, I had the pleasure of meeting three very intelligent and sweet women: Joyce Anthony, Lacresha Hayes and Erica Newton. My life has not been the same since hearing their testimonies and looking at their lives.
Joyce is an author, a friend, a mother, a wife, and a survivor of abuse. She's friendly, self-sacrificing, and kind. That is so rare today. I've had time to look this woman up all over the net. I frequent her blog, If she gives a recommendation of a book or a person, I can accept it wholeheartedly. I trust her and that's not easy for me to say. She has that something about her that makes her easy to love and easy to lean on. But, what I want is for her to feel comfortable leaning on me. She reminds me of a sister, someone you can laugh and cry with, disagree with, and then live and love for another day.
Lacresha is also an author and also a survivor of abuse. Lacresha and I have a very different relationship. She has become like a daughter to me. In fact, I call on her when I have a problem before I call on my own child. She has the wisdom of an old lady, but she's still young. There is a genuineness to her, sincerity and even naivity (if that is a word) that sticks out and I fear most people attach to her just to use her. Even with all the horrendous things that have befallen her, she somehow still keeps a certain optimism.
We came together to begin focusing on trying to get the government to put more money into free counseling for victims of sexual and physical abuse. She has a drive and energy that is highly contagious. She's always honest, always loving, always willing to pray, always ready with a scripture or two. I love her as if I'd had her, though that would be highly unlikely since I'm white with German roots and she's African American. Still, she is my family because she's proven her love and her willingness to sacrifice.
Then there is Erica, wife to an attorney and also an author. (Maybe God is trying to tell me something with all these author friends I have.) Erica is one of the snappiest people in the world. She has a quick wit. She is a snazzy dresser. She's a mini diva. LOL! I also have come to love her as my own. She has the biggest blue/green eyes you'd ever want to see. And now, she's pregnant with twins.
Erica helped me a lot recently when she and her husband actually flew out to be with me during a legal issue that could have cost my family the house we live in. My husband has been sick and down for awhile, though I've mostly kept that quiet. We were behind on our bills. I never asked. Never spoke a word about it. Erica wrote me and said her husband told her that they needed to come and help me. They did and paid the $1690 necessary for me to keep my house. The day they paid the money was the first time I'd ever laid real eyes on either of them. She adopted me as her mom and writes me every single day.
I had to stop a moment to cry. That is not the kind of thing that happens everyday. Erica means a lot to me because her emails and ultrasound photos and such keep me going. She is like an anti-depressant. She's a ball of love and joy and I'll never be the same now that she's in my life.
These three women are all different, yet they are all the same. They are all more than willing to put themselves aside for others and I feel they should be celebrated. I love them all and I pray that nothing ever separates me from either of them.
Joyce is an author, a friend, a mother, a wife, and a survivor of abuse. She's friendly, self-sacrificing, and kind. That is so rare today. I've had time to look this woman up all over the net. I frequent her blog, If she gives a recommendation of a book or a person, I can accept it wholeheartedly. I trust her and that's not easy for me to say. She has that something about her that makes her easy to love and easy to lean on. But, what I want is for her to feel comfortable leaning on me. She reminds me of a sister, someone you can laugh and cry with, disagree with, and then live and love for another day.
Lacresha is also an author and also a survivor of abuse. Lacresha and I have a very different relationship. She has become like a daughter to me. In fact, I call on her when I have a problem before I call on my own child. She has the wisdom of an old lady, but she's still young. There is a genuineness to her, sincerity and even naivity (if that is a word) that sticks out and I fear most people attach to her just to use her. Even with all the horrendous things that have befallen her, she somehow still keeps a certain optimism.
We came together to begin focusing on trying to get the government to put more money into free counseling for victims of sexual and physical abuse. She has a drive and energy that is highly contagious. She's always honest, always loving, always willing to pray, always ready with a scripture or two. I love her as if I'd had her, though that would be highly unlikely since I'm white with German roots and she's African American. Still, she is my family because she's proven her love and her willingness to sacrifice.
Then there is Erica, wife to an attorney and also an author. (Maybe God is trying to tell me something with all these author friends I have.) Erica is one of the snappiest people in the world. She has a quick wit. She is a snazzy dresser. She's a mini diva. LOL! I also have come to love her as my own. She has the biggest blue/green eyes you'd ever want to see. And now, she's pregnant with twins.
Erica helped me a lot recently when she and her husband actually flew out to be with me during a legal issue that could have cost my family the house we live in. My husband has been sick and down for awhile, though I've mostly kept that quiet. We were behind on our bills. I never asked. Never spoke a word about it. Erica wrote me and said her husband told her that they needed to come and help me. They did and paid the $1690 necessary for me to keep my house. The day they paid the money was the first time I'd ever laid real eyes on either of them. She adopted me as her mom and writes me every single day.
I had to stop a moment to cry. That is not the kind of thing that happens everyday. Erica means a lot to me because her emails and ultrasound photos and such keep me going. She is like an anti-depressant. She's a ball of love and joy and I'll never be the same now that she's in my life.
These three women are all different, yet they are all the same. They are all more than willing to put themselves aside for others and I feel they should be celebrated. I love them all and I pray that nothing ever separates me from either of them.
Challenges We Must Overcome
Many of you who know me personally know that I am mute. I cannot speak at all, only a grunt or two here and there. Often, when I'm out doing my weekly shopping, people yell at me to do this or that, not realizing that I hear just fine. For some reason, many people think that most mutes cannot hear either, hence the reason they are mute.
My inability to speak is just one more challenge I've had to overcome. It's not the first, won't be the last, and is certainly not the biggest one. I've had to get over being molested by my father. I've had to get beyond being mistreated by my mother. I have face many, many challenges, just like many of you.
We have to learn that challenges are not made to stop us. If we stop everytime we come up against something more difficult than we're used to coming against, then we'd never get anywhere. Challenges make us faster, wiser, better, smarter, stronger. Look at all those people in the special Olympics. I'm sure they had their challenges to even convince people that their lives are not over just because they have some disability or another.
I didn't grow up with a hero or role model. I don't trust easily and almost anything can turn me off from a person. I'm one of those kinds of people who want to hire someone to do a full investigation on a person before I become friends with them. I don't like being hurt. However, as old as I am, I just recently learned a lot from some of the special ladies in my life. They, too, have been through hell and come back. They, too, have suffered what much of the world is in denial about. And like myself, they are survivors! They refuse to stop. So, even when I'd want to stop, they won't let me.
Overcome your challenges. Don't let them overcome you!
My inability to speak is just one more challenge I've had to overcome. It's not the first, won't be the last, and is certainly not the biggest one. I've had to get over being molested by my father. I've had to get beyond being mistreated by my mother. I have face many, many challenges, just like many of you.
We have to learn that challenges are not made to stop us. If we stop everytime we come up against something more difficult than we're used to coming against, then we'd never get anywhere. Challenges make us faster, wiser, better, smarter, stronger. Look at all those people in the special Olympics. I'm sure they had their challenges to even convince people that their lives are not over just because they have some disability or another.
I didn't grow up with a hero or role model. I don't trust easily and almost anything can turn me off from a person. I'm one of those kinds of people who want to hire someone to do a full investigation on a person before I become friends with them. I don't like being hurt. However, as old as I am, I just recently learned a lot from some of the special ladies in my life. They, too, have been through hell and come back. They, too, have suffered what much of the world is in denial about. And like myself, they are survivors! They refuse to stop. So, even when I'd want to stop, they won't let me.
Overcome your challenges. Don't let them overcome you!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Support Structures
When you've been battered or abused in any way, you need to find people who can show you support and give you comfort when you need it most. This is what this blog is all about.
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